4 hour work week
Tim Ferriss's The 4-Hour Workweek is the ultimate blueprint for lifestyle design. The book follows a straightforward step-by-step method to reinvent yourself, improve your work, start your own business, and enjoy a luxury lifestyle that prioritizes time and mobility.
Self development
Tim Ferriss
Atomic habits
This book is a four-step approach to changing bad habits and adopting healthy ones, demonstrating how modest, incremental daily routines add up to tremendous, positive change over time
Self development
James Clear
Beyond Reasons
The book explains how emotions affect negotiation and provides techniques for dealing with strong emotions at the negotiating table based on five basic emotional concerns. This book is well-written and contains a wealth of useful information.
Daniel Shapiro and Roger Fisher
Brilliant Selling.
This book is full of practical tips and advice from successful business professionals. It is especially good for those new to selling as a coaching book or a reference book for those with experience.
Pricing Analyst
Jeremy Cassell
Communicating Change
Communicating Change is all about how to talk to people about the changes your project is delivering. The book contains a lot of practical advice about what to say when, how to identify how people want to receive information as well as recommendations for communicating.
Change Management
Sandar Larkin and T. J. Larkin
Explosive Growth
This book provides guidance and techniques for creating and running an online business, as well as 80 suggestions for launching, building, and optimizing items.
Cliff Lerner
Financial Statements
This book shows how to read the three basic types of financial statements--the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow--and uses this foundation to explain the flow of cash and product.
Thomas Ittelson
Find your Light Bulb
Mike Harris, a serial entrepreneur, demonstrates that all it takes is passion, commitment, and a willingness to learn. This book is a make-it-happen manual that will help you fix the odds of success firmly in your favour with vital business advice and case studies from entrepreneurs and inventors on both...
Mike Harris
Getting things done
David Allen presents a system in the book that assists in living a life with a "mind like water," which is the secret to productivity. When something is tossed into a glass of water, it wrinkles, but eventually, it returns to its original state. This book emphasizes Having a trustable...
Self development
David Allen
Getting to Yes
Getting to Yes is a book that proposes a mix of disciplines and concepts for negotiating practitioners. It promotes itself as an antidote to the positional bargaining paradigm and proposes a set of alternative techniques and exercises to modify the way negotiations unfold and conclude.
Roger Fisher and William L. Ury.
Hacking Growth
Growth hackers founder Sean Ellis teams up with veteran startup marketer Morgan Brown to share how the world’s most successful companies build growth teams, create must-have products, discover and test what works to drive growth, and retain more customers.
Morgan Brown and Sean Ellis
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products
This book introduces you as the product manager to the Hook Model which helps you encourage customer behaviour without aggressive marketing campaigns. It explains how to make products that develop into your customer’s habits with real-world examples from tech companies like Instagram and Pinterest.
Product Management
Nir Eyal
How Finance Works
The book walks you through the complex yet endlessly interesting world of finance in How Finance Works, demystifying it in the process with fascinating case studies, interactive exercises, full-colour images, and a conversational tone that belies the content
Mihir A. Desai
How to Win Friends & Influence People
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a self-help classic that reads as a life manual. The core idea is that you can change other people’s behavior simply by changing your own. It teaches you the principles to better understand people, become a more likable person,...
Public Speaking
Dale Carnegie
Investing 101
Investments textbooks frequently transform important information into a tiresome speech that would send even Warren Buffett to sleep. Investing 101 foregoes the dry explanations in favour of a hands-on approach that keeps you interested as you learn how to build a portfolio and grow your savings. This book is jam-packed...
Personal Finance
Michele Cagan
Leaders Eat Last
Simon Sinek deconstructs what makes a leader and what brings and keeps groups together. Leaders exist to safeguard the community and to create a Circle of Safety in which everyone can live their best lives
Simon Sinek
Leading Change
Kotter lays out eight steps for cultural change in this book. However, 17 years later, he shifted his perspective on organizational transformation from one that is implemented top-down to one that is based on voluntary bottom-up reforms.
Change Management
John Kotter
Lend Me Your Ears
Lend Me Your Ears is an easy read and covers the subject of public speaking in an accessible manner. It is well written. This is not an “academic” treatise, but a practical guide to improving your impact as a speaker
Public Speaking
Max Atkinson
Maximum Influence
In Maximum Influence, author and acknowledged expert Kurt Mortensen unveils the 12 Laws of Persuasion, explaining why each law works, how to utilize it, and what to avoid. You will learn how to read people instantaneously, get people to trust you instinctively, easily change people's thoughts, and persuade anyone to...
Kurt Mortensen
Never Eat Alone
The concept of 'It's not what you know, but who you know,' is embodied in Never Eat Alone. The book explains how to connect with colleagues, friends, and associates by laying out the steps and mentality required
Keith Ferrazzi
Our Iceberg is Melting
Our Iceberg is Melting: Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions, a book by Kotter, is a quick read that explains why the "burning platform" is important for firms to transition to new ways of doing things
Change Management
John Kotter
Pricing for Profit.
This book is very readable, a practical guide, and uses real-life examples to explain to you how to stay strong under the pressure of discounting to undercut the competitors. The strategies in this book when implemented should make a huge difference to your bottom line and deliver strong business growth.
Pricing Analyst
Peter Hill
Pricing with Confidence
The main purpose of this book is to teach you how to be more confident in your product and value for both price setting purposes and price capturing purposes. It dispels the idea of selling your product's price and instead starts selling the value of the product. It provides you...
Pricing Analyst
Mark Burton and Reed K Holden
Psychology of Selling
Brian Tracy's The Psychology of Selling is a well-known book written by a legendary sales executive. It shares ideas, techniques, strategies, and guidance to help salespeople sell more quickly and easily than ever before.
Brian Tracy
Red Team
In Red Team, Micah Zenko shows that even the best ideas need to be interrogated internally before they hit the market.
Micah Zenko
Rich Dad Poor Dad
Robert Kiyosaki highlights the important lessons he learned from his rich father in order to avoid his poor father's financial fate in Rich Dad Poor Dad. The book has gone on to become one of the all-time best-selling personal finance books. In this book, a wealthy father teaches two young...
Personal Finance
Robert Kiyosaki
Scrum is Jeff Sutherland's team performance framework — a new way of thinking and doing – that produces more outcomes, at a higher quality, and at a cheaper cost. When properly implemented, teams can achieve productivity increases of up to 800%.
Agile / Scrum
Jeff Sutherland
Skills with People
The book covers a variety of practical suggestions for dealing with people, including how to talk to people, how to make people feel important, how to properly critique others, and how to make a good impression.
Les Giblin
Spin Selling
This book presents a strong sales process that exposes four types of questions that, when answered in succession, increase the likelihood of a lead converting into a sale.
Neil Rackham
The 1-Pager Marketing Plan
Author an Dib contends in his book The 1-Page Marketing Plan that a business owner must become good at the business of what they do, not just their technical skill. Professionals don't just go with the flow. They make certain that the time they spend on something has the greatest...
Allan Dib
The Challenger Sale
Authors Dixon and Adamson studied a sample of hundreds of sales agents in The Challenger Sale and surprisingly concluded that traditional relationship building may potentially be harmful to the whole sales process. The book also lays out a process for transforming mediocre salespeople into high-performing Challengers.
Mattew Dixon and Brent Adamson
The Elements of Style
The book is used to teach grammar, structural writing rules and the principles of composition. Brushing up on the basics from time to time is critical for continually developing your skills, and this book contains simple truths that every writer needs to know.
William Strunk Jr.
The Fifth Risk
In The Fifth Risk, Michael Lewis provides an insider look into the turbulent transition from the Obama to Trump administration, as well as the new administration's apparent willful ignorance of the bureaucracy. The book has received praise for its readability and assessment of the longer-term concerns that Trump's presidency may...
Michael Lewis
The Five Dysfunction of a Team
While the Five Dysfunctions of a Team is an interesting story, the popularity of the book is due to the simple and accessible model of teamwork that it introduces. Represented as a Pyramid, Lencioni’s main character, Kathryn, uses the model to help her own team. However, this model can also...
Patrick Lencioni
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Written by one of Silicon Valley’s most respected and experienced entrepreneurs, it analyzes the problems business leaders face every day running their businesses. It provides insights on the developing, buying, or even selling of tech companies.
Product Management
Ben Horowitz
The Infinite Game
The Infinite Game analyzes leadership choices and offers guidelines for implementing a "infinite game" strategy. Infinite mindsets develop a greater cause than themselves or their businesses, whereas finite mindsets focus on winning. Collaborating with others for a common goal helps to create a more resourced and caring world.
Simon Sinek
The Intelligent Investor
In this book, little time is spent discussing the technique of analyzing securities. Instead, the main focus is placed on investment principles and investors’ attitudes. Benjamin Graham aims to teach three things: How to minimize the chances of suffering irreversible losses, how to maximize the chance of achieving sustainable wins...
Personal Finance
Benjamin Graham
The Richest Man in Babylon
What can a book written in the 1920s tell modern investors about their finances? A whole lot of it’s George Clason’s delightful set of parables that explain the basics of money. This is a great gift for a graduate or anyone who seems baffled by the world of finance and...
George Samuel Clason
The Serving Leader
In general, the book emphasizes "actions that will transform teams, businesses, and communities" and you'll be impressed at how applicable these principles are to academia. The authors advocate a leadership approach that prioritizes excellence and competitiveness without sacrificing attention to people's needs and worth.
Ken Blanchard
The Strategy Book
This book provides practical direction and expert tips on everything from understanding what strategy can accomplish for you to designing a strategy and engaging people with strategy. It's packed with snappy, memorable instances of actual leaders succeeding (and failing) with real-world techniques.
Max McKeown
The Ultimate Sales Machine
The Ultimate Revenue Machine is Chet Holmes' legacy of helping salespeople all around the world by providing them with 12 key methods to constantly focus on and implement in order to at least quadruple their sales.
Chet Holmes
Think and Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich is the result of Napoleon Hill’s study of over five hundred self-made millionaires, a condensed, accessible explanation of his Law of Success philosophy, which includes thirteen steps to riches (financial, emotional, and spiritual).
Personal Finance
Napoleon Hill
Understanding Michael Portal
The book explains strategy in detail. It goes over how businesses and individuals may recognize a solid strategy and its main components. This book highlights the impact of a unique value proposition and a customised value chain on strategy.
Joan Magretta
Writer’s Market
The book helps aspiring writers become published. It contains hundreds of pages of suggested markets for nonfiction writers, as well as those who want to sell short stories, including details for how to pitch your work
Brewer, Robert Lee
Writing Down the Bones
Goldberg’s insightful book examines the craft of writing including how to start brainstorming, the importance of learning how to listen, the vital role verbs play in writing, and even how to find an inspiring place to write. No matter the stage you’re at with writing, this inspiring read will give...
Natalie Goldberg
Zero to One
Zero to One is an inside look at Peter Thiel's mindset and method for building a successful firm, based on the lessons he learnt by starting and selling PayPal, as well as investing in Facebook and earning a billionaire in the process
Peter Thiel