Beyond Reasons
The book explains how emotions affect negotiation and provides techniques for dealing with strong emotions at the negotiating table based on five basic emotional concerns. This book is well-written and contains a wealth of useful information.
Daniel Shapiro and Roger Fisher
Explosive Growth
This book provides guidance and techniques for creating and running an online business, as well as 80 suggestions for launching, building, and optimizing items.
Cliff Lerner
Getting things done
David Allen presents a system in the book that assists in living a life with a "mind like water," which is the secret to productivity. When something is tossed into a glass of water, it wrinkles, but eventually, it returns to its original state. This book emphasizes Having a trustable...
Self development
David Allen
Getting to Yes
Getting to Yes is a book that proposes a mix of disciplines and concepts for negotiating practitioners. It promotes itself as an antidote to the positional bargaining paradigm and proposes a set of alternative techniques and exercises to modify the way negotiations unfold and conclude.
Roger Fisher and William L. Ury.
Hacking Growth
Growth hackers founder Sean Ellis teams up with veteran startup marketer Morgan Brown to share how the world’s most successful companies build growth teams, create must-have products, discover and test what works to drive growth, and retain more customers.
Morgan Brown and Sean Ellis
Maximum Influence
In Maximum Influence, author and acknowledged expert Kurt Mortensen unveils the 12 Laws of Persuasion, explaining why each law works, how to utilize it, and what to avoid. You will learn how to read people instantaneously, get people to trust you instinctively, easily change people's thoughts, and persuade anyone to...
Kurt Mortensen
Red Team
In Red Team, Micah Zenko shows that even the best ideas need to be interrogated internally before they hit the market.
Micah Zenko
Spin Selling
This book presents a strong sales process that exposes four types of questions that, when answered in succession, increase the likelihood of a lead converting into a sale.
Neil Rackham
The 1-Pager Marketing Plan
Author an Dib contends in his book The 1-Page Marketing Plan that a business owner must become good at the business of what they do, not just their technical skill. Professionals don't just go with the flow. They make certain that the time they spend on something has the greatest...
Allan Dib
The Challenger Sale
Authors Dixon and Adamson studied a sample of hundreds of sales agents in The Challenger Sale and surprisingly concluded that traditional relationship building may potentially be harmful to the whole sales process. The book also lays out a process for transforming mediocre salespeople into high-performing Challengers.
Mattew Dixon and Brent Adamson
The Strategy Book
This book provides practical direction and expert tips on everything from understanding what strategy can accomplish for you to designing a strategy and engaging people with strategy. It's packed with snappy, memorable instances of actual leaders succeeding (and failing) with real-world techniques.
Max McKeown
Understanding Michael Portal
The book explains strategy in detail. It goes over how businesses and individuals may recognize a solid strategy and its main components. This book highlights the impact of a unique value proposition and a customised value chain on strategy.
Joan Magretta